Code Enforcement Process


Code Enforcement is governed by Florida State Statute Chapter 162. The following is a brief description of how code enforcement works.

Receival of Complaint

When a complaint is received the inspector will go and investigate the complaint, usually within 24 hours. When a violation is observed by either a complaint or is self-initiated a Friendly Reminder is written and hung on the door where the violation is observed. The Friendly Reminder gives 10 days to correct the violation. After 10 days a reinspection occurs. If the violation has not been corrected a Violation Notice is then written and mailed with a Notice of Hearing (Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested) to the property owner listed in the county tax collector's database and the property owner is given more time to correct the violation. After the additional time has passed another reinspection occurs. If the violation still has not been corrected the case is set for hearing, as provided in the original notice.

The case is then heard by the special magistrate at a violation hearing to determine if a violation did or does exist, an additional amount of time to correct the violation, and how much, if any, of a fine will be imposed. After the additional time has passed from the violation hearing and the violation is not corrected then the case is heard again by the special magistrate at the fine assessment hearing to impose a fine. The Fine Assessment Order is recorded at the Palm Beach County Court House as a lien.