Vacant Village of Royal Palm Beach Representative Seat on TPA’s Citizen’s Advisory Committee (CAC)


The Village of Royal Palm Beach currently has a vacant representative seat on the Transportation Planning Agency's (TPA) Citizen’s Advisory Committee (CAC). According to Section 4.2 of the adopted TPA Operating Procedures:

"Each TPA Governing Board Member may nominate one CAC Member via submittal of a written request to the TPA along with a concise summary of the nominee’s credentials for consideration and approval by the TPA Governing Board. When nominating CAC Members, TPA Governing Board members shall ensure adequate representation for minorities, the elderly, and the handicapped in accordance with F.S. 339.175, Section (6)(e)1. Additionally, TPA Governing Board member nominations shall promote representation for environmental issues, business interests, the construction and development industry, the freight and goods movements industry, private transportation providers, and the general public. All CAC Members must be residents and electors of Palm Beach County. A CAC Member cannot be an elected official or directly employed by an elected official. No advisory committee member may serve on more than one advisory committee to the TPA Governing Board at any time."

For more information about the CAC’s policies and initiatives, please visit the Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) - Palm Beach TPA.

If you are interested in applying, please submit the Citizens Advisory Committee/MPO Application to Diane DiSanto, MMC, Village Clerk, at

Thank you for your interest in contributing to the TPA’s efforts in enhancing transportation planning in Palm Beach County!