
What is a Checklist Item?

A Checklist Item provides a list of required documentation to assist the applicant in completing the application package. The applicant completes the checklist, upon completing an item they are marked as “resolved” or “unresolved”.

What is a Contractor Data Sheet?

This is a new requirement it serves as the building permit application. This provides us the CO requirements, qualifier signature and provides all contact data for Palm Beach County Fire. Contractor Data Sheet can be found HERE.

What is a Development Application?

The Development Application is the main application for Planning and Zoning.

What is ePlan/ProjectDox?

EPlan/ProjectDox stands for Village of Royal Palm Beach Electronic Plan Review. This system now accepts applications electronically and allows applicants to view feedback, upload plans, track progress and more.

What is the limit on a file name?

Please keep file names at less than 70 characters.

What is the maximum upload file size?

The maximum upload file size is 1GB.

When I log into ProjectDox I do not see the OAS screen.

If you do not see the OAS screen upon logging into ProjectDox, please reach out to Village staff who will guide you through this process.

When uploading my files is there, an orientation standard I need to follow.

Yes - please refer to the Applicant User Guide on the Village’s building, ePermit process website to learn more. 

Where can I locate my permit application number in ProjectDox?

On the project home page, locate your project and click the blue info icon to find the permit application number.

Who can view my project/who has access to my project?

Only you (the applicant), anyone you invite to the Project and Village staff can view your project. If the invitee has not created a ProjectDox account, they will need to do so to view your project.

Why does my task still say “Waiting for Applicant Information?” I uploaded all of my information!

Even if you have uploaded your documents, you must complete the “Upload and Submit Task”.

Public Works

How do I get a streetlight repaired?

Get the identification numbers off of streetlight in question. Enter concern online at WebQA including the ID numbers from the streetlight in question and a description of problem. You may also call Public Works and leave information with secretary. Upon receiving information, with normal availability of products most streetlights can be repaired within 14 to 21 days.

How do I identify a Public Works Department vehicle?

All Village of Royal Palm Beach Public Works Department vehicles are white and will have the Village logo on the driver's and passenger-side doors. Under the Village logo will be the department’s identification in 3-inch blue letters.

The street sign on my block is missing, how can I get it replaced?

While the various areas of the Village are surveyed quarterly for sidewalk and or street sign replacements, should you need to report this problem you may either; enter you concern online at WebQA format providing general information as to where the missing sign had been located OR you may call Public Works and leave the information with the secretary. Most isolated street sign replacements can be completed within 14 to 21 days

The street sign on my block is missing, how can I get it replaced?

While the various areas of the Village are surveyed quarterly for sidewalk and or street sign replacements, should you need to report this problem you may either; enter you concern online at WebQA format providing general information as to where the missing sign had been located OR you may call Public Works and leave the information with the secretary. Most isolated street sign replacements can be completed within 14 to 21 days

Who do I call if there is a dead animal in the road?

Public Works maintains the roadways of the Village and unfortunately many animals are injured and or killed on the roadway. Should you observe a deceased animal located within the public right of way please call Public Works at 790-5122 and provide the location and description of animal. The animal will be collected and transported to Palm Beach County Animal control for disposal. Should you have questions regarding a domestic animal which may have been collected you may call Public Works or Palm Beach County Animal Control at (561)-233-1200

Who do I call to have my front drainage checked?

Online via a WebQA request OR call Public Works and leave information with the secretary. We have implemented various French and inline drainage systems throughout the Village and some can be easily serviced with the tools we have at Public Works.

Search Tips and Tricks

Do the search results include the contents of PDFs and other documents?

Yes.  The website indexes web pages as well as PDFs, Microsoft Office documents, and text documents.

If I search for a phrase (e.g. alarm permit), will the results only show exact matches?

No.  By default, the search results will show matches for any word within the phrase.  In this example, you would receive results for all web pages and documents that contained either the word alarm or the word permit or both.

In order to search on an exact phrase, enclose your search phrase in quotations.  The search results for "alarm permit" will show matches for that exact phrase.

Can I exclude a word from a search (e.g. all pages that have the word "alarm" but not the word "permit"?

Yes.   You can exclude words by using the minus sign (-).   In order to find the results of all pages that have alarm in the result but not permit, you would search for alarm -permit.


What is a stormwater utility fee?

It is a fee assessed to property owners in the Village that will provide revenue to fund the Stormwater Management System. This includes the design, construction and operations and maintenance necessary to keep the stormwater system functioning at the desired level of service.

How is the fee assessed?

The fee is assessed based on the impact of stormwater generated from property located within the Village. The impact is calculated based on the amount of impervious area (land area covered or paved) and this is shown as an Equivalent Residential Unit or ERU.

How much do non-residential units pay?

The fee for Non-residential units is calculated by dividing their total impervious area by 2,723 (1 ERU) to establish their fee. Credits or bill reductions may be available to properties that qualify.

How much does each resident pay?

Each residential unit in the Village will be billed for 1 ERU/month. ($5.50 per month)

How will the stormwater utility fee be billed and collected?

The fee will be billed in the same way that you are currently billed for garbage collection. It will appear on your monthly Water Utility Bill.

Is the stormwater utility fee a tax?

No. The stormwater utility fee is a user based fee that assures the funds necessary to support stormwater management.

What if I already pay a drainage district fee? (Indian Trails Improvement District or Lake Worth Drainage District)

Residents who are currently receiving stormwater services from another drainage district will not be charged stormwater fees from the Village.

What is an ERU?

An ERU is the median amount of impervious surfaces found per residential unit within the Village. The ERU for The Village is 2,723 square feet. 

What is the charge per ERU?

 The charge per ERU is $5.50 per month or $66.00 per year.

Village Clerk

How can I qualify to run for Mayor or Council?

Please contact the Village Clerk at (561) 790-5102.

How do I make a public records requests?

Please submit your request in one of the following ways: 

  • Via email to clerk@royalpalmbeach.com 
  • Via fax to (561) 790-5174 
  • Via mail to:
    Village of Royal Palm Beach 
    1050 Royal Palm Beach Blvd.
    Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411 
    Attn: Village Clerk
  • In person at Village Hall

Please feel free to contact us at (561) 790-5100 with any questions.

How do I obtain a passport?

Passport applications are available at the U.S. Post Office. Passport information and applications can also be obtained online by following this link: Online Passport Applications and Information

How do I register to vote and when is the next Municipal Election?

Municipal Elections are held on the 2nd Tuesday in March. Residents that need to register to vote can contact the Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections by phone at (561) 656-6200 or online by following this link: Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections

How do I request a lien search on a property in the Village?

Please contact the Village Clerk's Office at (561) 790-5100.

I am new to the Village. How do I obtain new resident information?

New residents to the Village may request a New Residents Welcome packet by following this link: New Resident Welcome Packet Request

The Village has a boat ramp. How do I gain access to use it?

Residents wishing to access the boat ramp must fill out and submit an application to the Village Clerk's Office. There is a $20 yearly fee to use the boat ramp. There is a $10 prorated fee for new applications received on or after July 1st. Download a Boat Ramp Application Form

What are the hours of the U.S. Post Office located inside of Village Hall?

The Post Office hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. Please note that the office is closed for lunch from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM.


When is the next Village Council Meeting?

The Village Council Regular meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the Village Meeting Hall. The Organization Meeting is held the third Thursday in March at 6:00 p.m. There are two Regular Council meetings in April, the first Thursday of the month of April is for Board Appointments. The Citizen Summit is held in May. The Council Budget Workshop is held in July. The First and Final Budget Hearings are held in September. Additional meetings may be held on an as needed basis as determined by Council. 

Where do I obtain/renew my driver's license?

Please contact the Palm Beach County Tax Collector's office at (561) 355-2264 for location information.

Where do I pay my water bill?

Please contact Palm Beach County Water Utilities at (561) 740-4600 for bill payment information. You can also visit their website at http://www.pbcwater.com or use their Billing Portal.
