Open Call to Artists

Open Call For Artists

The Village of Royal Palm Beach (“Village”) invites local artists to submit their work for display at three (3) Village-owned facilities including the New Village Hall, Cultural Center, and the Sporting Center at Commons Park. We welcome submissions of all 2D (drawing, painting, photography, prints, mixed media, etc.) provided they meet the specified size parameters as determined by the Village in its sole and absolute discretion.



Any local artist may apply to display their work. Preference will be given to artists residing or working in the Village of Royal Palm Beach. Submissions from local students are also encouraged and can be submitted by the student or their art teacher.

Application Requirements:

A complete application must be submitted which includes the following:

  • Completed Art Exhibition Application
  • Completed Waiver of Liability
  • Photograph of each piece in JPEG format (72dpi)
  • Written narrative of each piece containing the following details:
  • Title;
  • Date Created;
  • Size;
  • Medium; and
  • Price or Not For Sale (“NFS”)

All application materials must be submitted electronically to the Village’s Public Art Professional Mario Lopez Pisani via email:

Submittal Due Date:

Initial applications shall be due within thirty (30) days of the initial announcement. The Village anticipates that it will continue to accept submissions after that initial period to ensure sufficient submissions to fill the required space. The Village will readvertise for additional submissions on a quarterly, as needed, until all exhibit space is filled.

Selection Process:
Artwork will be selected based on quality, appropriateness, appeal, and availability. Artists may submit multiple pieces, though not all may be chosen. The artists and artwork will be selected by the Village’s Director of Planning & Zoning.

Artists will be required to enter into an Artist Exhibit Agreement prior to exhibiting any selected artwork.
If selected, the Village will notify the artist via phone to initiate paperwork completion prior to art being transported to Village Hall for display.

Labeling and Display:
Chosen artwork must be labeled with the artist’s name, title of the work, contact information (phone, email, or website.) Prices should not be included on the label, though NFS can be noted if the piece is not for sale.
The Village will be responsible for determining the location of display and displaying any and all art pieces selected for exhibit.


Additional Information:

  •  Building access by artists shall be strictly limited to Village of Royal Palm Beach business hours.

  • All purchase negotiations are to be conducted directly between the artist and any given buyer. The Village of Royal Palm Beach shall not be involved in purchases and shall not take commissions on any sold artwork.

  • Artists can view their art pieces by coordinating with the Public Art Professional via phone (561)753-1235.

  • Artwork must be available for an extended exhibition periods, typically lasting 4-6 months. Extensions can be requested by artist which will be reviewed and evaluated by Director of Planning & Zoning.

  • If an artist needs to remove a piece before the end of the exhibition period, this should be noted on the Art Exhibition Application, if possible. Arrangements for early retrieval must be coordinated with the Village’s Public Art Professional Mario Lopez Pisani at (561) 753-1235.

  • By signing the Art Exhibition Application, the artist grants the Village of Royal Palm Beach permission to reproduce images of accepted artwork for promotional purposes on or in Village publications.


Deadline to Apply: October 30, 2024