Get to Know the Recreation Center

Location & Hours

The Recreation Center is located at 100 Sweet Bay Lane (off of Sparrow Drive West of Crestwood Middle School). You can access Sparrow Drive off of Royal Palm Beach Boulevard and Crestwood Boulevard south of Okeechobee Boulevard. View an interactive map for specific directions to the Recreation Center.

Recreation Center Hours

Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 9:00 pm
8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Administrative Office Hours

Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Available Facilities

  • Aerobics room – Give yourself a workout
  • Arts and crafts room – Get in touch with your artistic side
  • Fitness room – Lose weight and get in shape
  • Gymnasium – Shoot some hoops

Class Offerings & Registration Information

The Recreation Department offers Zumba, yoga, karate, early childhood activity programs, arts and crafts, and many more classes for people of all ages. Check out all of our available classes in our Village Newsletter, which is delivered to all residents four times a year. Upcoming event fliers are also available in our lobby. All programs are fee-based.

In order to participate in any of the activities at the Recreation Center an Activity Registration Form is required. Activity Registration Forms for recreational activities may also be obtained directly from the administrative office at the Recreation Center. 

Contact Us

For further information about the Recreation Center, please contact us at (561) 790-5124.